Workshops with "Ecole Clair Vivre"

The primary school Clair-Vivre in Brussels has contributed to test the experiments of the Flying module of REStARTS.  They have  integrated REStARTS and the theme of aeronautic in many additional very interesting activities in the frame of their schools class.

First of all, they built a remarkable 3 Dimensional paper mache time scale of the flight history as shown by the following pictures:

Children also prepared personal talk on chosen subjects like solar impulse, …. on posters:

This school develop a pedagogy based on the Freinet theory. A common activity of the Freinet approach consists to write with the children a journal on the class activities, which is here dedicated to their activities related to the REStARTS project.

Report 1

Report 2

Report 3

La Vengeance du Journal Pas Banal

Their teachers also asked them to invent and to draw new flying machines:

With their teachers they performed the REStARTS experiments in class on the flying module:

 You can find here below, example of the scan of their school-book and their notes while they where performing the experiments.

Finally, at the end of the year they made an exhibition to invite all the school, but also their parents to present all this huge material made of experiments, drawing, time-scale, posters, … to all the other kids in the schools but also to their parents…