Session 2: How works a pressurized fuselage

Objective: Explain that a fuselage of an airplane designed to fly at high altitude, besides other loads has to withstand  a differential pressure between the external (atmosphere static) pressure and  the internal thermodynamic pressure.


The teaching materials will utilized to give show how the fuselage skin withstand a differential pressure


  • Multimedia black board  +  Power Point Like Software
  • Photos  / Videos
  • Pictures

Pressurized Fuselage
Figure 7 Pressurized Fuselage

Main activities

  • By  utilizing pictures (and eventually photos) and experimentations the students will learn how the fuselage skin withstand differential pressure
  • Student will be asked to make a comparison with a submarine vehicle 

Maximum duration:

60 minutes

Main question to be asked:

  • What is the impact of fuselage capability to withstand to a differential pressure on the airplane characteristics?
  • Ask to the students  if they know some suggested procedures in case of  a fuselage failure

Developing of Activity

  • Make the students to perform experimentation
  • Explain to the students by pictures how a pressurized fuselage withstand the differential pressure
  • Make the students to discuss about this kind of problems  

Results of Activity

  • The differential pressure is  balanced by  internal skin capability to with stand traction loads
  • The differential pressure could cause a fuselage local skin failure or  the doors to be open
  • Emergency procedures consists  for pilots to get  quickly a lower altitude and for passengers and crew to use the oxygen masks


Experiment 1: Static Airplane Model

  • Take a static airplane model (as completed as possible in every its elements).
  • Ask the student to tell the functions of each element.
  • Discuss with students about forces acting on each elements.

Static Airplane Model

Figure 15 Airplane Parts


Each part of a transport airplane has more than one function. One of the most important is: withstand loads. The way each part is designed depends on their function and on the kind of loads they have to withstand to.


To withstand loads is one of the most important function of an airplane element. The kind of loads explains the choice of the material of that element.

Contact coordinator

Dr. Corieri Patricia

von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics
Chaussée de Waterloo 72
BE 1640 Rhode-Saint-Genèse

Tel: +32 (0)2 359 96 55
Fax: +32 (0)2 359 96 00


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